Cuban Knight Anole a Concern for Turks and Caicos - Island Conservation - Island Conservation News
The ISLAND-OCEAN CONNECTION CHALLENGE aims to maximize the marine benefits of island conservation for ecosystems including coral reefs, and climate and community resilience. We are launching a new era of island restorations and rewilding focused on scaling and deploying this whole-systems conservation 'multi-tool' for optimal impact.
Challenge partners are committed to the holistic restoration of at least 40 globally significant island ecosystems, from ridge-to-reef to benefit biodiversity, climate, and communities by 2030.
We seek additional partners to join this collaborative and advance this novel restoration and resilience effort. Join this movement by adding your commitments, resources, projects, programs, and / or islands to this 2030 challenge.
Join us today in this campaign of hope and resilience!
Any individual or organization (local, national, regional, or global) is invited to become a member provided you commit to a significant (for you) commitment to advance the vision and call to action of The Island-Ocean Connection Challenge. Here are some commitment examples to inspire your thinking.
- Local (individual or organizational) island community champion:
- Commits to engaging the local community in development, implementation, and conservation impact monitoring of ___ (number) of community-led island restoration projects in partnership with other groups.
- Small Island Developing State (SIDS):
- Commits to restoring ____ islands by 2030 with their communities, national, regional, and global partners
- Commits to prioritizing $____ in bi- and multilateral funding to advance these projects.
- Regional conservation network:
- Commits to helping five SIDS to mainstream this conservation multi-tool for the benefit of communities, corals, and climate by helping execute x number of island restorations and commits to $____ in co-financing
- Developed nation:
- Commits to support xx island restoration project partnerships with $____ in unilateral co-financing
- Philanthropic Foundation:
- Commits $____ to advance xx priority island restoration projects
- Conservation organization:
- Commits to ____ partnerships with xx expert human resources and $____ to advance xx priority island restoration projects
- Research Institution:
- Commits to supporting long-term research on ____ island restoration projects to further elucidate the scale and scope of the island-ocean connections to further maximize the coral, community, and climate benefits of island restorations
- Develop a central repository for standardizing, compiling, consolidating, and analyzing conservation impact monitoring data from island-marine restoration projects worldwide.
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